Tuesday, April 7, 2020

WEEK OF 04/06/2020 - POWER 90 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 4

MONDAY - APRIL 6, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sculpt Circuit 3-4

This was basically Sculpt Circuit 1-2 with a fourth circuit added, but not the same body parts as the other circuits. This added in some forearm and wrist movements and calf raises, max push-ups and max squats. As I'd done with the other circuits I added in a pull-up move. These extra moves seemed a bit easier than those of the other circuits. I did have some unexpected problems with the calf raises. I was having problems lifting from my toes. Other than that, the big difference between 1-2 and 3-4 was he added several reps to the lunges. I didn't do most of those reps because I didn't know they were there, and was on to my pull-ups once I'd reached the rep count from Sculpt 1-2. I did everything in order but took a ton of "pauses"because of the speed they were going at, and I needed a breather.

Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 372; Avg Heart Rate: 122.

TUESDAY - APRIL 7, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sweat Cardio 3-4 + Ab Ripper 200

Same moves as Sweat 1-2 but they were moving a bit faster and did three cycles per set as opposed to two in most cases. I liked it. The workout was a few minutes longer, but it seemed to go quicker. I'll admit I liked that Lisa was back. She's become my favorite and was really intensifying the punches at the end. Ab Ripper was also the same moves as before but we went to 20 reps per move as opposed to 10. I've done a lot of ab routines, but this might be my favorite. Simple moves, and 20 reps seemed about right. I was really feeling them and arching my back a bit to stretch the abs after almost each move. They were burning that bad.

Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 430; Avg Heart Rate: 118.

WEDNESDAY - APRIL 8, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sculpt Circuit 3-4

Once again, I got a lot of the moves, including all three bicep moves, out of the way during the warm up. I find this helps me pace things a bit better during the rest of the workout. I haven't been increasing the weight on any of the moves because I'm usually fried by the end of the workout anyways. I did 50 max push-ups near the end.

Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 391; Avg Heart Rate: 125.

THURSDAY - APRIL 9, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sweat Cardio 3-4 + Ab Ripper 200

I was actually looking forward to this one today. My mind was wandering a bit, but I think I did OK. My heart rate and burned calories were certainly down from Tuesday. Don't know why.

Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 369; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

FRIDAY - APRIL 10, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sculpt Circuit 3-4

As I've mentioned several times before, it's tough foe me to keep with the pace on this one without hitting the pause button a ton of times. Lately I've been doing some of the moves during the warm-up so I'll have time to take a breath later. Today I took it a step further. I did a bunch of the moves before I even hit the button to start the workout. I did all the bicep, pull-up, and shoulder moves ahead of time, then did all three weighted back moves during the warm-up. Needless to say I was really able to pace myself after that. I increased my weights to 35's on the standard bicep curls without much struggle, but it was also the first move I did, so I wasn't really tired.. The pull-ups were OK, but not great  There are way too many lunges here. I'm holding 25 lb dumb bells when doing them, and they were starting to slip out of my hand on the second set. At one point I had to put them down for a few seconds, then start up again. Overall, this is a good workout. I'm just trying to find a way to pace it better. Maybe staying in sequence and hitting pause a lot isn't such a bad idea. I'm thinking I'll go by feel each time I do it.

Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 357; Avg Heart Rate: 120.

SATURDAY - APRIL 11, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sweat Cardio 3-4 + Ab Ripper 200

Went OK. Instead of the Run Lunges I'm substituting the fake Jump Ropes from P90X. Otherwise, everything else went well.

Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 450: Avg Heart Rate: 118.

SUNDAY - APRIL 12, 2020 - TONY HORTON - Ho' Ala Ke Kino

I was a little more prepared today than last week because I had an idea what was coming. No breks during the Power Yoga.

Time: 27 minutes; Calories Burned: 188; Avg Heart Rate: 104.


Weight: 168.0  (+0.6 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.1% (+0.3%)

Ate a lot of cookies yesterday. Need to take this more seriously.


The workouts were a bit harder, but not that much. The Sculpt ones are really wearing on me. I'm sore and stiff most of the time and it's making me a bit irritable. The Sweat ones are fun. I need to take the nutrition more seriously, but my mind is not there. I really need to cut down on sugar which I think might really be affecting mt mental clarity.

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