Monday, May 4, 2020

WEEK OF 05/04/2020 - POWER 90 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 8

MONDAY - MAY 4, 2020 - POWER 90 Master Series - Sculpt Circuit 5-6

I really wasn't in the mood once again. I took a small nap when I got home. I was still feeling a bit sluggish when I woke up, but I threw the disc in and went at it. I used heavier weights on a lot of the moves than I did last week. There was sill a bit of room to use heavier ones in places, so I might try that next week. I took a lot of 15 to 30 second breaks near the end, but I think I did better than if I'd gone straight through and been totally exhausted.

Time: 42 minutes; Calories Burned: 34; Avg Heart Rate: 114.

TUESDAY - MAY 5, 2020 - POWER 90 Master Series - Sweat Cardio 5-6

I was looking forward to this one today because I knew it was going to be a bit easier. It was. There was a nice warm-up and stretch, then a bit of yoga. The cardio section was fun, then there was a lot of really nice familiar stretches for the last eight or nine minutes. Sometimes workouts like this are necessary, for the mind and the body.

Time: 45 minutes; Calories Burned: 260; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

WEDNESDAY - MAY 6, 2020 - POWER 90 Master Series - UML

Last week I didn't give a crap. Today I was feeling better and did better. I went the full limit on the timed moves and consciously went lower on the push-ups. I'm trying to drink less pop, which I think is one reason I' feeling better.

Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 250; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

THURSDAY - MAY 7, 2020 - POWER 90 Master Series - Cardio Intervals

This is only the second time I've done this one, but I don't think I'm a fan of it. I understand the concept of the three "speeds", but I don't think the difference between them is enough to make a big difference in my heart rate. I also have problems coordinating myself physically to change speeds.

Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 380; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

FRIDAY - MAY 8, 2020 - POWER 90 Master Series - Plyo Legs

I went at it pretty hard today. I did all the spin moves for the 60 seconds. I did Squat Jacks continuously for 60 seconds. I was much more coordinated than last week, when I couldn't even do Gap Jumps.

Time: 51 minutes; Calories Burned: 413; Avg Heart Rate: 116.

SATURDAY - MAY 9, 2020 POWER 90 Master Series - Core Cardio

Once again, I was feeling better than last week. Not only did I get all the moves in with a better attitude, I repeated the first set, which wasn't on the DVD. It added about seven minutes on to the workout, but that was OK. I still don't like the moves in the second set, but I did them. I felt good about the workout overall.

Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 509; Avg Heart Rate: 118.

SUNDAY - MAY 10, 2020 = TONY HORTON - Ho' Ala Ki Kino

I kept putting this one off until mid-evening. I'm just mentally exhausted. The workout went OK, but the Power Yoga section is not my favorite. It goes too fast for what is supposed to be a relaxing time. At least that's what I felt today.

Time: 27 minutes; Calories Burned: 202; Avg Heart Rate: 107.


Weight: 166.8 (-2,8 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.0% (-0.3%)

This is the lightest I've been since I started this twelve years ago. I'm not overly excited because I'm still not eating well, and this can bounce back next week.


The workouts went much netter than last week. I was more familiar with them and my mood was better. My body is sore, which is a good sign, I guess, but mentally I'm still in a bit of a funk.

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