Thursday, March 25, 2021


MONDAY - MARCH 22, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Primal Flow

Once again, I get why this workout is here. I'm just not flexible enough to do a lot of the moves properly, especially the kick throughs.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 375; Avg Heart Rate: 111. 

TUESDAY - MARCH 23, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Chest and Back Round Robin

I upped my pullups to eight and only came off the bar once, and that was on the last rep, when my hands were slipping. On one of the pushup options I was doing decline pushups onto a flipped upside down Bosu Ball. I was barely cracking my elbows on the first two sets, trying to get 25 reps in. On the last two sets I tried to do 10 reps, but go a little deeper. I did go a little deeper, but it wasn't by much. Something to work on.

Start Time: 7:35 pm; Workout Time: 64 minutes; Calories Burned: 527; Avg Heart Rate: 111. 

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 24, 2021 -POWER NATION BETA 2- Halfsies Plyo

My feet are getting really bad. They're swelling and I can barely get off the floor anymore, especially on upward explosive moves. I did what I could on those. On other moves I could have gone lower and touched the floor, but either couldn't, because of balance, or because I just didn't want to. I could have done worse today, by just not trying at all, but I also could have done better because of range of motion choices on some moves.

Start Time: 6:55 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 401; Avg Heart Rate: 105. 

THURSDAY - MARCH 25, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Morning Yoga

This was a bit of a welcome relief on the schedule. It's only 20 minutes long, and is just some basic yoga moves. However, I really wasn't relaxed, and I was very stiff all over my body, so it wasn't the greatest experience it should have been. 

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 20 minutes; Calories Burned: 109; Avg Heart Rate: 95.

FRIDAY - MARCH 26, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

I wasn't feeling too strong beforehand, so I thought I'd go with lower weights, but of course I didn't. I pretty much used the same weights as last time. I am noticing a pattern though. The last few times I did this workout I'm noticing me left hand tiring and not holding the grip tightly on the dumbbell after so many reps, usually around eight.. This is happening on the Hammer Curls (with 30's), Arch Rows (with 20's), and Tricep Kickbacks (with 20's). Because it's consistently happening, I'm wondering if I go to lower weights next time. My right hand seems to be fine. Otherwise the workout went well.

Start Time:8:20 pm; Workout Time: 53 minutes; Calories Burned: 515; Avg Heart Rate: 121.

SATURDAY - MARCH 27, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Derp, Pulse, and Hold

I used 20's on all the weight moves. As always, my balance was bad on the lunge moves.

Stat Time: 5:45 pm; Workout Time: 66 minutes; Calories Burned: 550; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

SUNDAY - MARCH 28, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Crunch Town

I started late in the evening. It felt like the workout was taking forever. I wasn't real crisp on a lot of the moves, but got them all in. I might have done the last one wrong, as I was rolling into boat instead of laying on my back and crunching my way up.

Start Time: 9:50 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 133; Avg Heart Rate: 95.


Weight: 155.6 (+0.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 12.4% (-0.2%)


I did OK this week. Nothing exceptional, but I got everything in. Five weeks to go in this round. He's giving us the choice of doing the last month on a "Build" (Resistance) or a "Burn" (Cardio) schedule. I'm doing Build, because I'm not liking cardio too much. I don't give my all in cardio workouts. My body is really getting tired.

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