Monday, February 28, 2022

WEEK OF 2/28/2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - WEEK 9

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 28, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Push

I did this one on the TV via my Roku. Previously, I'd been using my tablet with a much smaller screen. I think I liked this better. It's how I did my workouts for 12 years. My nalance was real bad at the beginning, but it got better as the workout went along. I increased my reps on many of the pushup moves. I tried going from 30's to 35's on the Stability Ball Chest Presses, but couldn't get the weights situated properly. I thought I might stupidly hurt myself, so I went back down to 30's, and they worked fine. Overall, it was a good workout.

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 432; Avg Heart Rate: 117.

TUESDAY - MARCH 1, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Cardio

My balance was really bad, but I just did the best I could. I didn't intentionally dog it.

Start Time: 7:10 pm; Workout Time: 50 minutes; Calories Burned: 314; Avg Heart Rate: 99.


I met some friends after work, just to chill a bit. Had 2 lite beers. I was still home a bit after 7, but had decided on the way home that I was going to take a mental break day. I watched two periods of the Sabres game, then went to bed around 9:30. I could have pushed myself through a workout, and would have several years ago, but the older I get, the more I realize occassional days like this are OK.

THURSDAY - MARCH 3, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Who's Got Your Back

This was supposed to be yesterday's workout. I was even thinking of taking another day off, but realized it wasn't needed, and would have just been laziness today. Plyo 30/15 was scheduled, but I usually don't get too much out of that one. Even though I do modify a lot on this workout, I felt it would do more for me. Again, I used Band Pulldowns (16 reps) instead of pullups. I used 30's on most of the weighted back moves, and did most of them seated. I did Lawnmowers standing, though, with my hand on the bench. I used 15's on the shoulder moves.

Start Time: 8:25 pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 403; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

FRIDAY - MARCH 4, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Don't Skip The Yoga

My balance was really bad  I could barely do any Warrior poses because I felt like I had no strength in my legs to get up into them. I still did what I could.

Start Time:

SATURDAY - MARCH 5, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Attack and Defend

My balance was a bit yesterday. I was able to get most moves in, just not as well as they were doing on the video.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 471; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

SUNDAY - MARCH 6, 2022 - Rest

Crunch Town was scheduled, but I just had no energy.

Start Time:  6:30 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 326; Avg Heart Rate: 102. 


Weight: 148.2 (no change)
Body Fat: 10.5% (+0.1%)


There were two days where I didn't work out, but I felt I needed the rest, both physically and mentally. I'm not going to beat myself up over it. There was five days where I did work out.

Monday, February 21, 2022

WEEK OF 2/21/2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - WEEK 8

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Heart, Lungs, and Legs

My legs were dead. My effort was a 2 out of 10. I couldn't jump at all, and I didn't feel like going too low to compensate. Even though I couldn't jump or balance, I could have done better, by doing things I am capable of doing.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 379; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Arms and Abs

I did OK. I mainly used the weights I did last time. The only difference was I tried using a 40 instead of a 30 on the Goblet Curls, but only got in 8 reps, and I wasn't going all the way down for fear of losing my balance and/or the weight. On the Heavy Curls, I do Seated Curls, as I don't like lifting weight and then standing while bending over. I used 25's and only got six reps in. Kind of weak, but last time I only got five reps in.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 42 minutes; Calories Burned: 327; Avg Heart Rate: 109.


A little bit frustrating because I lost the stream a few times and had to start the video over, then try a fast forward it to where I was. Eventually it settled down, and I was able to finish. I could have done it strictly off the worksheets, but it's always nice to hear Tony, no matter how many times I've heard him. The workout went well. I think I did a few more reps than last time on a few of the moves, and unwittingly did a few less om a few others.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 362; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Plyo 30/15

This is the best I've ever done on this workout, by far. Beta version or Power of 4 version. I was feeling pretty good going im and had a good attitude. I was wearing my Xero Speed Force shoes, which are a bit lighter than the Xero Prio's I use for most of the other workouts. I think the lightness of the shoes helped me a bit. My balance was better than usual, though still not good. I was going lower in my squats than I usually do. I even used weights on the Squat Presses. Although I wasn't moving real fast. I did the Plank to Frog, Run Lunge / Squats, and even the Mountain Squats. I usually just go through the motions on those, and usually do something else instead of the Mountain Squats. The only downside was that the video stream went out four times and I had to reload the page and fast forward to where I was. Normally extremely frustrating, but I decided to keep a good attitude and just dealt with it today. I'm also working on making my own Power of 4 workout sheets which are looking nice. I was working on some before the workout, and that may have put me in a good mood for it.

Start Time: 8:30 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 274; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Who's Got Your Back

I used bands on all the pullup moves and I did all the weighted back moves seated. I used 30's on most of those back moves (up from 25's) and did 10 reps on most of them (up from 8). I used 15's on the shoulder moves. Overall it went well.

Start Time: 8:35 pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 435; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Morning Yoga

Today's schedule only called for a 10 minute meditation session, but I wanted to do a bit more. There was no yoga this week, so I chose this one. It's more of a stretch routine than yoga, but it was relaxing. I wore my lighter workout shoes instead of doing it in socks, and it worked out OK, but they do sick on the mat a bit, making it hard to swing my leg through on some of the vinyasas.

Start Time: 8:35 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 231; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - The Power of Core

This went OK. I still only do 10 reps on the two reach back and touch your feet moves. Afyer the workout was over I found out I could stream the workouts onto my TV via my Roku. Bigger screen, and I hope this eliminates the stream shutting down as it had been most of this week.

Start Time: 9:35 pm; Workout Time: 23 minutes; Calories Burned: 145; Avg Heart Rate: 100.


Weight: 148.2 (+1.0 lbs)
Body Fat: 10.4% (+0,4%)


There were a bunch of tough workouts this week, and I got through them OK. I even did a little more than scheduledon Saturday. I'm also glad I found out I could stream the workouts on my TV. I hope that workos out OK.

Monday, February 14, 2022

WEEK OF 2/14/2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - WEEK 7

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 14, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Primal Flow

I'm not really a fan of this workout, but for some reason I've gone at it pretty hard the last few times. I even attempted a couple of burpees and even got my feet off the floor a bit with some small jumps. Feeling good afterwards.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 428; Avg Heart Rate: 109.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 15, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Chest and Back Round Robin

CIRCUIT: Pushups - a) Stands (25 reps), b) Balls (20) , c) Elevated Upside Down Bosu Ball (15); Pullups - a) Seated Weights (10 with 30 lbs); b) Pull Up Assist (8); c) Band Pull Down (15). Everything went OK. I was going to do unassisted pullups instead of the weights, but don't think I would have gone too far. I think the weights did more for me, and I think I can do more weight next time.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: ???; Avg Heart Rate: ???.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 16, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Drop, Pulse, and Hold

My balance was bad, so I wasn't going too deep. I held onto a chair for two moves, the Forward Reaches and the Curtsy Lunges. I was able to go a bit deeper that way. I used a 15 lb weight on most of the moves.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 71 minutes; Calories Burned: 421; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 17, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Pure Stretch

My balance was a bit better today, so that helped early on. My flexibility was also pretty good, so that helped later, especially on the leg stretches. Overall, a very relaxing workout.

Start Time: 7:55 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 239; Avg Heart Rate: 93.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 18, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Kicking and Punching

Totally ridiculously, and totally unnecessarily, too long. I understand there are stop options, but most die-hards aren't going to use them. I feel like I'm cheating if I do. My balance was going downhill quickly, and by the fourth round I was at a point where I could barely get my feet off the floor without major stumbling. I started with my workout shoes, but they were feeling really heavy early in the second round, so I tried two layers of socks with a foot insert. That took about 10 minutes to get on, and they ended up not feeling right, so I went back to the workout shoes. All around, the workout just felt like I wasn't in synch, and I barely broke a sweat.  I'll try to get better next time, but the key is my balance. If it doesn't come back, or even get a bit better, this workout is going to be really frustrating. That's a shame, because I always liked, and looked forward to the martial arts workouts.

Start Time: 8:20 om; Workout Time: 68 minutes; Calories Burned: 437; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 19, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Power and Strength Yoga

My balance was really bad today, so the "Ladder" vinyasas and poses were very frustrating, although I tried to keep a good attitude and do what I could. So, that was good.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 66 minutes; Calories Burned: 428; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 20, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Crunch Town 

The workout went OK. I modified the last move to rolling boats.

Start Time: 9:10 pm; Workout Time: 21 minutes; Calories Burned: 95; Avg Heart Rate: 91.


Weight: 147.2 (+1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 10.0% (no change)

Trending in the right direction.


My balance was bad on most days, so that made things a bit frustrating, but I'll move forward.

Monday, February 7, 2022

WEEK OF 2/7/2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - WEEK 6

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 7, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Don't Skip the Yoga 

I'd ordered some new compression socks and they came today. They fit the bottom of my feet snugly and had rubber grips on the bottom. They certainly worked better than anything else I've been trying. I was even able to get into some Warrior poses and hold them for a bit. They certainly weren't pretty, but it was a huge improvement over what I'd been able to do recently. I got everything in, including all the "Meathead" yoga vinyasas, even though I lost my balance a few times. My overall flexibility was good too.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 588; Avg Heart Rate: 115.  

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 8, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Triple Trouble Challenge 

I did 30 pushups and 15 band pulldowns. All went well.

Start Time: 7:55 pm; Workout Time: 70 minutes; Calories Burned: 500; Avg Heart Rate: 104.  

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 9, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Attack and Defend

My balance was way off, so I wasn't going anywhere near full blast, but I got it done,

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 365; Avg Heart Rate: 106..  

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 10, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge 

The last few times I was down to 15's on most of the shoulder and bicep moves. Today I bumped them up to 20's and didn't have too many problems, so hopefully I'm getting some strength back. 

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 588; Avg Heart Rate: 115.  

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 11, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Card Plyo 

A very poor effort. My balance was off and I just went through the motions. I even missed a few moves in the first half trying to get my foot ware correct

Start Time: 9:15 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 282; Avg Heart Rate: 101.  

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 12, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Morning Yoga 

It went OK. I wore the new compression socks I'll be using for yoga. I also put an insert in them with bumps that is supposed to stimulate blood flow. My balance was OK, but I wanted to see how they'd handle Warrior poses. There were only two of them, so it was hard to determine. I think my balance is going to vary from day to day, although overall, I think they'll help.

Start Time: 6:10 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 181; Avg Heart Rate: 93.  

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 13, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Power of Core 

Not great. I don't like this workout, and have to either modify a few of the moves, or cut down on the reps. 

Start Time: 8:50 pm; Workout Time: 23 minutes; Calories Burned: 137; Avg Heart Rate: 98. 


Weight: 146.0 (+5.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 10.0% (+0.8%)

Not surprising, as these were close to my numbers from two weeks ago. Usually, when there is a big drop or gain that comes out of nowhere, the next week gets things back to where they were. That's kind of what happened here. I do have to watch the Body Fat % though.


I was encouraged a bit by the ability to lift a bit more weight on Shoulders and Arms Recharge. I'm frustrated, however, with my continued balance being all over the place. Just when I think there is hope, I come crashing down to earth. Never give up, though.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

WEEK OF 1/31/2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - WEEK 5

MONDAY - JANUARY 31, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Power and Strength Yoga

This is the second time doing this one in the last few days. I was looking forward to the challenge of improving, but don't think I did. I started off with athletic socks instead of thick socks and felt my balance was a bit better because I was in better touch with the floor. When we started the vinyasas I added athletic shoes because I can't really feel my toes and didn't want to accidentally break one while going back into downward dog. After a while I took the shoes off because they were gripping the mat too hard when swinging my leg through. My balance was still horrible on the Warrior poses. I think it's because there is weakness in my feet and I can't plant my front foot firmly. Anyways, I did the best I could, and will look to make adjustments to improve next time.

Start Time:7:35 pm; Workout Time: 66 minutes; Calories Burned: 466; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 1, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Who's Got Your Back 

Once again, I did band pull downs instead of pullups, and did all the weighted back moves while seated. I used 25's on most of those, and 15's on the shoulder / upper back moves. It went OK.

Start Time: 7:45pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 434; Avg Heart Rate: 109.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 2, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Plyo 30/15

I modified ("powered down" on most moves. I couldn't even really do those lunge frog thinys near the end. I did what I could do.

Start Time: 8:05 pm; Workout Time: 42 minutes; Calories Burned: 296; Avg Heart Rate: 103. 


I got my Booster Shot today, so my shoulder was a bit sore. I was thinking about doing a stretch routine instead, or even skipping the workout, as I see a lot of people in the Facebook group do after they received their shots, but I started and found out the soreness wasn't a hindrance. It was actually a good workout. I mostly did 12 pushups and used 15 lb weights. I used 30's on the Stability Ball Chest Presses and they were manageable. Maybe I'm getting some strength back. My balance was even pretty good when handling the weights, so that was good also.

Start Time: 8:30 pm; Workout Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 428; Avg Heart Rate: 118. 

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 4, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Cardio

I wasn't into it. Just a very poor effort. Maybe a 2 or 3 intensity out of 10. But I finished it. I have no idea how I burned 376 calories.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; orkout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 376; Avg Heart Rate: 109.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 5, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Pure Stretch

I fell I'm getting little more flexible at times. Not all the time, but today went pretty well.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 300; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

SUNDAT - FEBRUARY 6, 2022 - Rest

Crunch Town was scheduled, but I just couldn't get myself to do it, Just mentally exhausted. It's the second time I skipped this workout this round, which is weird, because I actually like it. It's also weird for me to skip workouts. I went years without skipping any, unless I was very, very ill, and I wasn't today..


Weight: 140.6 (-5.0 lbs)
Body Fat: 0.2% (-0.8%)

Both are really big drops, I'm not sure why.


I'm not happy about skipping Sunday's workout. It's the second time I've done that in five weeks, but as I said above, I was mentally exhausted. Battling things everyday, especially simple things, wears on you. I'm not going to beat myself up over it. The weight loss was also a surprise. As I've said, I'm actually trying to put weight on, not lose it. The drop in body fat was good though.