Monday, December 31, 2012

P90X- ROUND 9 - WEEK 8 - Week of 12/31/2012

MONDAY - DECEMBER 31, 2012 - Yoga X

Last workout of 2012, and I'm looking forward to the new year. This was a fairly good Yoga X workout. It might seem strange for "relaxing workouts", but I wear my heart monitor during Yoga X and X Stretch just to see my calorie burn. Today I burned 825 calories, by far the most I've ever burned on any workout in the last 4 and a half years. I don't think I've ever come close to 800. My average heart rate was up about 8 to 10 bpm over my usual Yoga X rate. Maybe my heart was working harder for some reason (not good), or maybe there was something wrong with the monitor. I don't know, but I'll keep an eye on it. A good way to finish 2012.

Calories Burned: 825; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Max Heart Rate: 146.

TUESDAY - JANUARY 1, 2013 - Core Synergistics

First workout of the new year, and I was sweating like crazy, as I usually do with Core. I did a few more Staggered Hands pushups than usual (did 32), and increased my weight from 10 lbs to 15 lbs on the Lunge, Kickback, Curl, Press move.

I usually don't make resoultions on New Year's, but I am going to make a conscious effort to make better food choices.

Calories Burned: 610; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 158.

WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 2, 2013 - Cardio X

I always look upon Cardio X as an "easy" workout, but it sneaks up on you. I'm always dripping im sweat as I'm finishing up the Banana Rolls at the end, and today was no exception. I think it's the Dreya Rolls that really get me.

Calories Burned: 395; Avg Heart Rate: 118; Max Heart Rate: 154.

THURSDAY - JANUARY 3, 2013 - X Stretch

A good stretch. The only thing I couldn't do today was lay flat on my back in Hero Pose (sometimes I can), but other than that it went great.

Calories Burned: 259; Avg Heart Rate: 91; Max Heart Rate: 117.

FRIDAY - JANUARY 4, 2013 - Core Synergistics

Drenched in sweat at the end, I stayed lying on my back for about 10 minutes after the workout. A good workout. I increased my weights to 15 lbs on the Squat X-Presses. The only Core exercise I've been having problems with this round is the Chaturanga Runs. For some reason (total fatigue?) I'm only able to get about 50% of it done in the low position. Something to improve upon.

Calories Burned: 592; Avg Heart Rate: 126; Max Heart Rate: 159.

SATURDAY - JANUARY 5. 2013 - Yoga X

Going in, I wasn't looking forward to the Vinyasas section, and it showed. I was all over the place in my alignments, my feet were out of place, etc. The secomd half went much better. I held almost all of my right leg balance postures for the full 30 seconds, and even found a balance spot on the left leg balances that seemed to work better.

Calories Burned: 633; Avg Heart Rate: 105; Max Heart Rate: 133.

SUNDAY - JANUARY 6, 2013 - Weigh-In

Weight: 176.7; Body Fat: 22.5%

A decrease of 1.3 lbs and .3% body fat. Trying to eat better, and it seems to be paying off.

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