Monday, January 30, 2017

P90X3 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 5 - WEEK OF 01/30/17

MONDAY - JANUARY 30, 2017 - P90X3 - Eccentric Upper

This one tires me out a bit, and I took 2 two or three minute breaks during the workout today. I used 25 lbs on most of the moves, 10s or 15s on a couple others. All the pullups were unassisted and I only got 4 to 6 reps in on each of those. I'm still very weak on those, buy trying to get better.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 232; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 143.

TUESDAY - JANUARY 31, 2017 - P90X3 - Triometrics

Once again I did better than I had in the past. There are points in this workout when I'm usually out of gas. Not today, until the last few minutes. I had full range of motion when I could. The balance moves on one leg still sucked, but I tried my best.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 252; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Max Heart Rate: 143.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 1, 2017 - P90X3 - Incinerator

I did pretty good. I normally have been using 25 lbs on the heavier weight moves and 15's on the lighter ones. Today I did the same, but tried 50's on the "A" Presses. I got eight of the ten reps in on those, but the weights started drifting out on the last rep so I didn't try to fight them back in and risk hurting myself. Otherwise I felt stronger than usual. i didn't get all of the Burnout in because the gloves I'm using for pullups rip into the webbing between my fingers when doing pushups. I have to figure that one out.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 203; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 137. (Those numbers seem very low.)

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 2, 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

I tried concentrating on my breathing today, but that didn't last too long. I wasn't sure when I should be exhaling and when I should be inhaling. It actually made things worse. but that was the only downside. My balance was a tad bit better than usual. I was actually trying to get into some of the Balance Poses I normally can't, and then was able to hold them for longer than usual. The highlight, though, was I was able to touch my feet to the ground in Plow. I haven't done that in years. I'm leaning out a bit and that allowed me to do that. I'm very happy about that.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 138; Avg Heart Rate: 102; Max Heart Rate: 122.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 3, 2017 - P90X3 - Eccentric Lower

This one seems like one of the easier X3 workouts to me. However, I must clarify that by saying I have to modify a lot of the moves because my balance is so bad. If I wasn't holding onto a chair or tapping my foot, or limiting my range of motion, it would be much tougher. My balance was very bad from the get go. I was losing it in the warmup. However, I did the best I could and didn't give up.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 185; Avg Heart Rate: 106; Max Heart Rate: 131.


MMX is a love / hate workout for me. I love the martial arts combinations but hate the enormous amounts of Sprawls (Burpees) that are involved. My legs felt real heavy at the beginning and I'm wondering if it's a carryover from last night's Eccentric Lower workout. Overall I did OK, but dropped to my knees midway through the Burnout Round and didn't get back up. Because I felt a bit guilty about that I did 12 punch/sprawl combo moves after finishing the cooldown. My FitBit says I burned 350 calories which is way more than any routine I've done since I got it about a month ago.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 350; Avg Heart Rate: 133; Max Heart Rate: 159.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 5, 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper

This was about as well as I've ever done on this workout. I may have put my foot back a split second earlier than what he said on one of the Plank Crunches, but other than that I completed each rep without coming out of any of them. I actually felt like I was fit.

Time: 15 minutes: Calories Burned: 88; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 130.


Weight: 199.8 (-2.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 22.9% (-0.4%)

First time I've been below 200 lbs since March of 2015, so that feels good. The eating plan I'm doing is working.


I'm happy I'm sticking to the plan. The workouts went well too, as there were many times I've been exceeding what I've done in the past. I actually feel like I'm moving forward instead of just going through the motions and trading water.

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