Monday, July 22, 2013

HYBRID - Final Thoughts

My entire Hybrid Schedule

My Story


I guess I can sum it up in three words: I LOVED IT!. Would I do it again? Yes, in a heartbeat. Would I change anything? Probably not.

I did have to take a week off in the middle of my Week 8 schedule due to illness, but I picked up where I left off and did all the workouts. Without that break, I'm not 100% sure my body would have made it through Week 12 without breaking down, but I'm pretty sure I'd have been OK. I've gone that long before..

It was great going into each week with a fresh schedule of what I was going to do. I never got bored. There simply wasn't enough time to get tired of doing the same routines over and over again, because I wasn't doing them over and over again.

Any surprises? Yes. I think the toughest week I had was the P90X+ week, and I wasn't expecting that. I'd never done Upper Plus and Total Body Plus before without hitting pause. This time I didn't hit pause, and they destroyed me. Putting Core Synergistics in with that week didn't help.

Toughest Workouts? Two stand out, and they're similar. Insanity Upper Body Weight Training and Asylum Volume 2's  Upper Elite. The reason I thought they were the toughest is because Shaun T doesn't give you any rest in between moves on either workout. That's the same reason I thought Upper Plus and Total Body Plus were tough. Just relentless with no breaks. I'm not sure going that hard without any rest is smart, or even effective, but that's what I did, and that's what I'm basing it on. Of course Chest and Back kills me every time too..

One other thing I need to mention: I never hit the "Pause" button once throughout the entire Hybrid, and still didn't miss any of the exercises.

I only have one regret, and it's a big one: I didn't eat well. I still can't commit to consistently eating healthier than I do. It's not horrible, but it could be a lot better. I know when I concentrate on it I feel better, but I'm a stress eater, and the stresses of life are always there. At some point I'm trying to make the "light bulb" go off so I can figure things out, but that hasn't happened yet. I think I just need to sit down and think it through. A lot of that goes beyond exercise, but it's still intertwined. I know one thing. If I had eaten well, my results would have been off the charts with this schedule.


I'm not sure. I just purchased 4 new Beachbody workout programs: Les Mills Pump, Les Mills Combat. Tai Cheng, and Focus T25. I'm trying to decide between Pump and T25. I'll miss Tony Horton for the next few months, but I know I'll always go back to P90X at some point.

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